Following the speakers' opening remarks, 3 presentation blocks will follow. Each block will be represented by 5 ECOWAS member countries. Each block will have a duration of 2 hours, with each country having 24 minutes to presente existing business opportunities and business partnerships thereof. The presentation of the 15 ECOWAS member countries will be followed by a presentation of the Business Partnership Opportunities emerging from the State of Paraná, highlighting the following sectors: commerce, industry, agri-food, tourism, agriculture and ICT. Relevant time is reserved for previously scheduled B2B meetings, namely the afternoon of March 27th. Networking periods between event participants, with prior registration. A personalized service, managed through its own web platform, will be made permanently available to the participants, allowing access, regardless of the geographic location of the interested parties, before, during and after the event, either to business opportunities or to opportunities for business partnerships, including access to a multisectoral database. |
Thus, from 23 to 25 march 2020, special packages are available for those who wish to reconcile participation in the Conference with holidays. In the period immediately following the event, as of 28 MARCH 2020, several options for extending stays in Cape Verde are also available, so that those interested can enjoy the sun, the beach and the wonderful basalt mountains Click here to see all Packages Available. |
Thus, from 28 March to 03 April 2020, special packages are available for those who wish to reconcile participation in the Conference with holidays. In the period immediately following the event, as of 28 APRIL 2020, several options for extending stays in Cape Verde are also available, so that those interested can enjoy the sun, the beach and the wonderful basalt mountains Click here to see all Packages Available. |
Throughout these studies it has been possible to note that certain countries in this African sub-region depend on imports of these products to supply their domestic markets and that Cape Verde can offer advantageous conditions for these countries to have stable and lasting solutions for the development of their basic infrastructure and to boost agricultural production and profitability, while contributing to environmental and ecological protection. These studies have also shown that the majority of the population in the West African sub-region is engaged in agricultural activity and that the income from this activity is insufficient to meet their basic needs, despite the existence of a large regional food market with around 400 million consumers. Agricultural practices repeatedly lead to the need to restore cultivated land through the use of chemical fertilizers and in the African sub-region they are imported from the international market. Studies indicate that in some African regions three quarters of farmers want to use chemical fertilizers, the only alternative they know to increase productivity and profitability of soils. However, because of the high cost of these fertilizers, whose price varies according to the price of oil in the international market, and the reduced purchasing power of the overwhelming majority of the rural population, these fertilizers are practically not used. Basalt powder has been successfully tested worldwide to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils and is an alternative to conventional fertilizers. Over the past few decades relevant centres of applied research, involving transnational teams, have conducted agricultural and industrial studies and experiments based on the application of basalt powder in agriculture and basalt fibre in industry. The principle of this technology is based on the concept that basalt powder can overcome the difficulties of adequate access of nutrients to soils and, consequently, to plants, so that the generality of farmers can increase agricultural profitability in a healthy way, while ensuring environmental protection. Likewise, there is a growing trend in the application of Basalt fibre, namely in the following sectors: civil construction, aeronautics, wind power, electronics, naval industry, military industry, sports equipment, fireproof textile materials, and automotive industry, thus placing the Basalt fibre at the centre of industrial development in the present and future. Due to its better physical and mechanical properties, greater resistance and lightness, impact and corrosion resistance, the application of basalt fibre in the industry has been an alternative to the traditional fibres used in the manufacture of polyhedral composites, such as glass fibre, carbon fibre and aramid. Cabo Verde is an island country located in the central region of the Atlantic Ocean, about 450 km from Senegal, composed of 10 main islands with approximately 2,000 km of coastline and an area of 4,033 km2, having an Exclusive Economic Zone of 734,265 Km2 . Basalt is the most abundant rock in Cabo Verde and constitutes its main natural wealth, manifested in quantity and quality, namely through imposing mountains, as are the cases of Pico do Fogo, in Fogo Island, with 2,289 metres of altitude; Topo da Coroa, in Santo Antão Island, with 1,979 metres of altitude; Pico d 'Antónia, in Santiago Island, with 1,392 metres of altitude and Monte Gordo, in São Nicolau Island, with 1,304 metres of altitude. Cabo Verde's basalt reserves can thus contribute to the development of national industries, enhancing the country's integration into the regional space of West Africa and fostering intra-regional trade. It is in this context that Cabo Verde will host the International Conference on "APPLICATION OF BASALT POWDER IN AGRICULTURE AND BASALT FIBRE IN INDUSTRY - Its advantages as Fertilizer and Reinforcement of Composite Materials", which will take place in 24-27 March 2020 in the city of Praia, Santiago Island. |
The use of the results of university work and research and development centres in companies results, first of all, from the affinity between the technologies used in these companies and the academic research developed. The trinomial Science-Technology-Innovation plays an important role in defining the development model of countries and national and sectoral public policies, growth, improving competitiveness and raising the economic and financial conditions of the productive sector, as well as improving quality of life of citizens. For innovation to happen, it is necessary to interact between various agents and factors in an articulated and planned manner. Groenewegem (1992) defines that cooperation between universities and industry can be established in four dimensions: support for general research; support for cooperative research; support in knowledge transfer; and effective technology transfer. According to Fassin (1991), although teaching and research are the main mission of universities, they can provide relevant services to companies and industries, as well as to society in general. These services can be embodied through the release of knowledge, advice, continuing education, laboratory work, analysis and experimentation, research contracts, licensing, spin-off companies, science parks and business incubators. Universities are at the forefront of scientific innovation, yet it is in the companies and industries that operate the technical and technological changes oriented to products, services and processes. In this sense, the alliance between University and Industry is a fundamental instrument for the development of nations. A University, in addition to its central teaching and research function, has a new and growing foreground challenge in the region in which it operates: the economic one. It is in this context that, as part of the International Conference on the theme “APPLICATION OF BASALT POWDER IN AGRICULTURE AND BASALT FIBRE IN INDUSTRY - Its advantages as Fertilizer and Reinforcement of Composite Materials”, will take place two other complementary activities, taking advantage of the presence in Cabo Verde, whether from prominent international researchers with long and successful research careers, or from numerous companies that will also be present in Cabo Verde to attend this International Conference: a Scientific Workshop, on the third day of the event, and a two-day Business Forum whose specific programmes are attached to this document. |
After the intervention of the Speakers invited to each panel or conference, there will be a debate in which participants in general will have the opportunity to intervene actively. At the Conference, the Speaker, who will be a reference specialist on each theme, will have 1 hour and 45 minutes to present his theme, including the debate period. Registration, paper submission, as well as complete information, are accessible on the website Additional information may also be obtained through the e-mail address or other contacts inserted in the said website, namely the Technical Secretariat of the Event. Also part of the event is a social programme where participants, in general, and guests, in particular, can enjoy a pleasant stay in Cabo Verde before, during and after the three-day event. Several packages and programmes of guided visits to the main points of tourist attraction, both in the city of Praia (capital of Cabo Verde) and in other Islands, are also available. Guided tours will also be organized at some basalt exploration sites in Cabo Verde. At night two periods of social programmes are reserved. On the first day of the event, a welcome reception will be organized for the delegations participating in the event and on the last day of the event there will be a gala dinner. The Technical Secretariat of the event will be permanently accessible and available to meet all the special needs of the participants in the event in question. |
For nations, especially the younger ones, having a team of experienced and well-prepared scientists and researchers is an ongoing challenge, taking generations to create the conditions for the establishment of an internationally recognized body of researchers. In this sense, the Workshop on “Challenges and Opportunities in Scientific Research, Technology and Innovation” has the following objectives: »Take advantage, enhance and value the presence in Cabo Verde of some of the leading international researchers in different fields, coming from prestigious university institutions and centers of research and technological development in Europe, Africa, Brazil and Canada, which on the occasion of the International Conference will be present in the country to share experiences. »Present the state of the art of research and application of basalt powder in agriculture and basalt fibre in industry. »Define and adopt strategies to promote basalt powder application technology in agriculture so that it can be taken as an appropriate medium for environmental sustainability and agricultural production to meet the needs of the internal and regional market, in particular to meet the needs of family farming throughout the ECOWAS space and in Africa in general. »Promote the creation of a network of researchers involving universities, research and development centres, business associations and companies involved, both in research projects and programmes and in the marketing of basalt powder for agriculture and basalt fibre for industry |
» Disseminate the latest results on technological advances and application of basalt fibre in industrial innovation as well as prospects for the future; » Consolidate the results of the research carried out by African scientists on the application of basalt powder in agriculture as an alternative source of nutrients for African tropical soils and to foster and encourage partnerships with their external counterparts; » Present the application of basalt powder in agriculture as a viable and appropriate technology to the orientation of public policy in order to diversify the types of inputs used in agriculture for soil fertilization in Africa; » Analyse and conclude on the mechanisms and procedures to be adopted in the legislation and regulation of the practices of commercialization of basalt powder as an alternative to traditional chemical fertilizers and nutrients for plants; » Define and adopt strategies to promote the technology of application of basalt powder in agriculture so that it can be assumed as a means suitable to environmental sustainability and agricultural production, to meet the needs of the internal and regional market, in particular to meet the needs of family farming throughout the ECOWAS space and in Africa in general; » Positioning the potential of the application of basalt powder in agriculture as an appropriate mechanism for rejuvenating degraded soils in the ECOWAS space and in Africa in general; » Promote the creation of a network of researchers involving Universities, Research and Development Centres, Business Associations and companies involved in research projects and programs or in the marketing of Basalt powder for agriculture and Basalt fibre for industry; » Prepare a publication where the most relevant papers and communications presented at the event will be inserted and will serve as a guide for future work; » Collect technical, technological and scientific contributions for the development of a potentially exporting Cabo Verde industry based on the basalt industry. |
»Application of basalt powder in Agriculture; application of basalt Fiber in industry; »Application of basalt fiber composites in the construction industry; »Application of basalt powder on soil recovery. Paper submission: »Papers reporting original research results and experiences are solicited. Each paper, written in English, Portuguese or French should have no more than 8 pages, including references and illustrations. Electronic submissions in accessible PDF and word electronic format are strongly recommended. All submissions must describe original research, not published nor currently under review in another conference or journal. »All accepted papers of the conference will be published in the conference proceedings. Important dates: »Paper submission: February 1, 2020 February 14, 2020; »Notification of acceptance: February 21, 2020; »Deadline for registration and camera ready papers: February 10, 2020 February 28, 2020 »International Conference: March 24-27, 2020; »Conference venue: Praia » Santiago Island » Cabo Verde Island. |
TUESDAY, 24 MARCH, 2020 TO FRIDAY 27 MARCH, 2020 |
TUESDAY, 24 March, 2020 ACCREDITATION: From 07:00 |
Opening Ceremony 08:00 - 08h30 |
«THE DOSAGE AND APPLICATION OF BASALT POWDER IN AGRICULTURE: How basalt powder influences plant development and agricultural productivity - Brazil as a Case Study”» | 08h30 | 10h15 | 10h15 - 10h45 | |
08h30 - 09h45:
09h45 - 10h15: Debate
COFFE BREAK: 10h15 - 10h45
«“FROM RESEARCH TO THE LEGISLATION OF THE APPLICATION OF BASALT POWDER IN AGRICULTURE: From Research, Legislation and Regulation to the Application of Basalt Powder: Brazil as a Case Study» | 10h45 | 12h30 | 12:30 - 14:00 | |
10h45 - 12h00:
12h00 - 12h30: Debate
12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH
«FROM PRODUCTION TO THE PACKAGING AND DISTRIBUTION OF BASALT DERIVATIVES – Technology Control, Certification and Logistics Specificity» | 14:00 | 15:45 | 15:45 – 16:15 | |
14h00 - 15h15: Speakers:
15h15 - 15h45: Debate
COFFE BREAK: 15h45 - 16h15
«THE FUTURE OF THE BASALT FIBRE INDUSTRY : Its Impact on the Aerospace, Construction, and Automotive Industries - An Opportunity in University - Industry Cooperation» | 16h15 | 18h00 | 18h00 | |
16h15 - 17h30: Speakers:
17:30 - 18:00: Debate
WEDNESDAY, 25 March, 2020 ACCREDITATION: From 08:00 |
09:45 - 10:15 Debate
COFFE BREAK: 10:15 - 10:45
«THE USE OF FINELY GROUND BASALT IN AGRICULTURE - Case Studies» | 10:45 | 12:30 | 12:30- 14:00 | |
10:45 - 12:00:
12:00 - 12:30: Debate
12:30- 14:00:LUNCH
«APPLICATION OF BASALT FIBRE COMPOSITES IN BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS - Advantages and Economic Impact for the Construction Sector and Influence on the Corrosion Process» | 14:00 | 15:45 | 15:45 – 16:15 | |
14:00 – 15:15:Speakers:
15:15 - 15:45: Debate
COFFE BREAK: 15:45 – 16:15
«THE ROLE OF THE BASALT INDUSTRY IN ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND IN STRENGTHENING REGIONAL INTEGRATION – An Asset in Economic Cooperation and in Trade between Cabo Verde, Senegal and The Gambia» | 16h15 | 18h00 | > 18:00 | |
16:15 - 15:30: Speakers:
15:30 - 18:00: Debate
->18:00 FREE TIME
Workshop Opening Session 08:00 - 08h30 |
Initial Interventions:
08h30 - 09h30: Intervention of guest speaker
09:30 - 10:30: Intervention of guest speaker
10:30 - 11:00: COFFE BREAK
11h00 - 12h00: Intervention of guest speaker
12:00 - 13:00: Intervention of guest speaker
Final Interventions:
Currently, the use of basalt powder in Brazilian agriculture is considered a credible alternative to traditional chemical fertilizers, and practical results prove this fact. Brazil is one of the countries in the world that relies heavily on the external market to meet its domestic needs in relation to the main nutrients for agriculture, either from the perspective of plant protection against pests and fungi or from the perspective of increasing agricultural productivity and profitability. In fact, according to EMBRAPA data from 2014, Brazil occupies a prominent place in the consumption and import of chemical fertilizers. The country is the fourth largest consumer of NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, respectively). In the Cerrado region, a transboundary area of sub-continental size with an area of about 2 million km2 and which includes savannah, seasonal forest and field, the application of basalt powder in agriculture is strategic, since it incorporates a great potential for soil fertilization, as the Latosols, dominant in the agricultural areas of the region, have low natural fertility. The use of basalt powder in Brazil: 1) The search for alternatives to the importation of fertilizers; 2) The need to exploit wastes from mining activities; and 3) Expansion of the cultivation area based on agro-ecological concepts and with restrictions on the use of soluble fertilizers. One of the main advantages obtained by plants for the use of basalt powder is the availability of nutrients, especially those with low soil mobility. It is also worth mentioning other benefits such as expansion of the area of exploration and root absorption, temporary storage of nutrients, favouring of beneficial microorganisms and mitigation of the adverse factors of pH and excess metals in the soil. Non-nutritional effects, such as the improvement in soil aggregation and elevation in water efficiency, production and accumulation of growth substances, should be mentioned as well. In order to reduce its external dependence on this type of imported material, Brazil has accumulated more than 15 years of experience and practical results in the application of basalt powder in agriculture and accumulates more than 20 years of research experience in this field, benefiting from the research of prominent institutions and numerous academic theses in this area. |
Currently, the use of basalt powder in Brazilian agriculture is considered a credible alternative to traditional chemical fertilizers, and practical results prove this fact. Brazil is one of the countries in the world that relies heavily on the external market to meet its domestic needs in relation to the main nutrients for agriculture, either from the perspective of plant protection against pests and fungi or from the perspective of increasing agricultural productivity and profitability. In fact, according to EMBRAPA data from 2014, Brazil occupies a prominent place in the consumption and import of chemical fertilizers. The country is the fourth largest consumer of NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, respectively). In the Cerrado region, a transboundary area of sub-continental size with an area of about 2 million km2 and which includes savannah, seasonal forest and field, the application of basalt powder in agriculture is strategic, since it incorporates a great potential for soil fertilization, as the Latosols, dominant in the agricultural areas of the region, have low natural fertility. The use of basalt powder in Brazil: 1) The search for alternatives to the importation of fertilizers; 2) The need to exploit wastes from mining activities; and 3) Expansion of the cultivation area based on agro-ecological concepts and with restrictions on the use of soluble fertilizers. One of the main advantages obtained by plants for the use of basalt powder is the availability of nutrients, especially those with low soil mobility. It is also worth mentioning other benefits such as expansion of the area of exploration and root absorption, temporary storage of nutrients, favouring of beneficial microorganisms and mitigation of the adverse factors of pH and excess metals in the soil. Non-nutritional effects, such as the improvement in soil aggregation and elevation in water efficiency, production and accumulation of growth substances, should be mentioned as well. In order to reduce its external dependence on this type of imported material, Brazil has accumulated more than 15 years of experience and practical results in the application of basalt powder in agriculture and accumulates more than 20 years of research experience in this field, benefiting from the research of prominent institutions and numerous academic theses in this area. |
The Welcome Reception provides an excellent opportunity to network, meet old friends and colleagues, as well as meet new people. A light buffet dinner will be served during the event. Participation Details: Even if you are registered to participate in the International Conference, he needs to register for the welcome reception, at no additional cost, in our online platform. Participants can also bring their partners or guests to this Welcome Reception at an additional cost. Participants at the International Conference must register for a welcome reception at least 30 (thirty) days in advance to receive the participant's badge and other conference materials. Location: The Welcome Reception will take place at the Hotel Praia Mar, which is located in the heart of the City of Praia. |
Cabo Verde is an island country located in the central region of the Atlantic Ocean, about 450 km from Senegal, composed of 10 main islands with approximately 2,000 km of coastline and an area of 4,033 km2, having an Exclusive Economic Zone of 734,265 Km2 . Basalt is the most abundant rock in Cabo Verde and constitutes its main natural wealth, manifested in quantity and quality, namely through imposing mountains, as are the cases of Pico do Fogo, in Fogo Island, with 2,289 metres of altitude; Topo da Coroa, in Santo Antão Island, with 1,979 metres of altitude; Pico d 'Antónia, in Santiago Island, with 1,392 metres of altitude and Monte Gordo, in São Nicolau Island, with 1,304 metres of altitude. Cabo Verde's basalt reserves can thus contribute to the development of national industries, enhancing the country's integration into the regional space of West Africa and fostering intra-regional trade. Imposing mountains in Cabo Verde Islands: Pico Antonia
Topo da Coroa Ilha de Sâo Nicolau
Pico de Fogo Ilha do Fogo
Monte Gordo Ilha do Fogo
In the Cerrado region, a transboundary area of sub-continental size with an area of about 2 million km2 and which includes savannah, seasonal forest and field, the application of basalt powder in agriculture is strategic, since it incorporates a great potential for soil fertilization, as the Latosols, dominant in the agricultural areas of the region, have low natural fertility. The use of basalt powder in Brazil: 1) The search for alternatives to the importation of fertilizers; 2) The need to exploit wastes from mining activities; and 3) Expansion of the cultivation area based on agro-ecological concepts and with restrictions on the use of soluble fertilizers. One of the main advantages obtained by plants for the use of basalt powder is the availability of nutrients, especially those with low soil mobility. It is also worth mentioning other benefits such as expansion of the area of exploration and root absorption, temporary storage of nutrients, favouring of beneficial microorganisms and mitigation of the adverse factors of pH and excess metals in the soil. Non-nutritional effects, such as the improvement in soil aggregation and elevation in water efficiency, production and accumulation of growth substances, should be mentioned as well. In order to reduce its external dependence on this type of imported material, Brazil has accumulated more than 15 years of experience and practical results in the application of basalt powder in agriculture and accumulates more than 20 years of research experience in this field, benefiting from the research of prominent institutions and numerous academic theses in this area. |
The Welcome Reception provides an excellent opportunity to network, meet old friends and colleagues, as well as meet new people. A light buffet dinner will be served during the event. Participation Details: Even if you are registered to participate in the International Conference, he needs to register for the welcome reception, at no additional cost, in our online platform. Participants can also bring their partners or guests to this Welcome Reception at an additional cost. Participants at the International Conference must register for a welcome reception at least 30 (thirty) days in advance to receive the participant's badge and other conference materials. Location: The Welcome Reception will take place at the Hotel Praia Mar, which is located in the heart of the City of Praia. |
Basalt Fiber: Basalt is a dark-coloured volcanic rock composed of plagioclase, pyroxene and olivine. It is a tenacious and resistant rock with a density approximately 5% higher than that of glass. Basalt fibre, a derivative of the rock's casting process (single ingredient used in fibre production), is of superior quality to other known fibres for thermal stability, heat and sound insulation, vibration resistance, durability and lightness, that is to say, in a summarized way, it can be said that basalt fibre is a type of fibre with better performance with regard to the physical-mechanical properties. Basalt fibre had a recent development when compared to the traditional fibres used in the manufacture of polymer composites, such as glass fibre, carbon fibre and aramid. Its strength and modulus properties are located between those recorded by the E-glass fibres and S-glass fibres. In addition, they have a higher working temperature, good chemical and impact resistance, corrosion resistance and less release of gases at the burn. The use of basalt in the manufacture of composite materials has many unparalleled advantages. The resulting composites allow to optimize the properties of the materials, including the mechanical, chemical and physical properties, as well as the thermal, electrical, optical and acoustic properties. Due to its high strength and lightness, resulting from the physical and mechanical properties of basalt fibre, these composite materials thus have a wide field of industrial application. The low price of basalt fibre, which may be lower than that of fibreglass-E, justifies the increasing use of this fibre. For these reasons, basalt fibre is increasingly used in a wide range of applications, including the manufacture of pressure vessels, cylinders, profiles, automotive parts, wind turbines, reinforcing concrete structures, fire-resisting textile materials (in the aerospace and automotive industries), maritime applications, military industry, and various other products and fields of application. |
Likewise, there is a growing trend in the application of Basalt fibre, namely in the following sectors: civil construction, aeronautics, wind power, electronics, naval industry, military industry, sports equipment, fireproof textile materials, and automotive industry, thus placing the Basalt fibre at the centre of industrial development in the present and future. Due to its better physical and mechanical properties, greater resistance and lightness, impact and corrosion resistance, the application of basalt fibre in the industry has been an alternative to the traditional fibres used in the manufacture of polyhedral composites, such as glass fibre, carbon fibre and aramid. ... |
Participation Details: Even if you are registered to participate in the International Conference, he needs to register for the welcome reception, at no additional cost, in our online platform. Participants can also bring their partners or guests to this Welcome Reception at an additional cost. Participants at the International Conference must register for a welcome reception at least 30 (thirty) days in advance to receive the participant's badge and other conference materials. Location: The Welcome Reception will take place at the Hotel Praia Mar, which is located in the heart of the City of Praia. |
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»The selection of a Speaker for the International Conference is entirely independent of any commercial consideration and is based solely on merit as determined in consensus by the Organizing Committee of the Event. »When a Speaker Proposal is received from a company or an individual that does not fully meet BASALT Conference Speaker terms & conditions, the BASALT Conference Organizing Committee will contact the company or the individual for further clarification, if applicable, before proceeding with the proposal evaluation. »Please also note that for technology companies & commercial suppliers of research services there is a sponsorship requirement attached to BASALT Conference Scientific Council. For more information on this, please go to sponsors within BASALT Conference website. Speaker Registration »All Speakers participate by invitation-only. »All Participants must register and pay a fee to access the BASALT Conference, as well accommodation and travel expenses. »The International Conference is a premium event which has an exceptionally high quality production cost. »BASALT Conference Organizing Committee believes that a policy in which all participants pay to access the Event ensures that a participation fee as economical as possible for all participants of the Event is maintained. Speaker Timing-Format »BASALT Conference Organizing Committee has adapted the speaker timing to maximize the interaction between speakers and participants. This gives as many participants as possible an opportunity to speak. »The format of each Speaker's stage presentation is assigned by the BASALT Conference Programme Board, and is based on the specific topic and overall number of Speakers in each session. The format of a speaker's on-stage participation on a topic session -- individual presentation, co-Speaker presentation, discussion panel participation, session moderation or other type of presentation -- are considered equally as 1 speaking slot. »With the exception of Keynote Speakers, all individual Speakers are generally allotted a total of 7 minutes presentation time and co-Speakers a total of 10 minutes. »As the BASALT Conference Organizing Committee represents a gathering of the industry elite, speaking at BASALT Conference is not only ideal to impart knowledge and experiences but also the basis for engaging in discussions between Speakers and participants. Speakers should adapt their presentations so that key learnings are communicated, clearly and concisely, within the allotted time, and refraining from any possible "sales" contents that is perceived to reduce the credibility of the insights presented and is not appreciated by the audience. Speaker Presentation Format »Most BASALT Conference presentation sessions have several Speakers presenting on the same topic. BASALT Conference Organizing Committee aims to provide a holistic, multi-angled view on each topic that is covered, with as many key industry representatives on stage to share their insights and experiences. »Within each session, the time allotted for an individual Speaker presentation is 7 minutes and 10 minutes for co-Speakers, followed by a 3 - 5 minute Q&A session. This format aims to maximise the interaction between Speaker & participants, and to give as many experts as possible an opportunity to contribute. Each session is moderated by a state-of-the-art industry, research and development facility, technology institution, university, or other similar representative. »All Speakers are provided with a standard BASALT Conference branded presentation template (Powerpoint) and a detailed speaker reference guide. »For approved speakers, the deadline for receiving the final presentation is 21 October 2019. Preparatory Session: »30 days before the Event, BASALT Conference Organizing Committee requests each speaker and his session companions, if any, to allocate time for at least one preparation session by means of a conference call with the participant session moderator. Guidance notes for presentation slides: »If the speaker’s session is made for a 7 minute presentation slot, BASALT Conference Organizing Committee would not recommend preparing too many slides. The speaker should consider the most effective way to disseminate the information. Slides with too much detail or extensive content will take more time to cover than a slide holding a well-structured set of key points. »The BASALT Conference Organizing Committee suggest Speakers to prepare 1 slide for every 2 minutes of presentation time. Speaker Substitution, Addition or Cancellation: »As speakers are chosen by the BASALT Conference Scientific Council for their specialist knowledge and communication skills, not because of the company that they represent, BASALT Conference Organizing Committee generally does not allows Speaker substitutions. »If for some reason a Speaker needs to cancel their participation, the BASALT Conference Organizing Committee should be informed as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to »BASALT Conference Organizing Committee requests that, if possible, a suitable replacement recommendation should be provided. A recommendation is particularly helpful in case we do not have a Speaker on the waiting list for a specific topic. »Any Speaker replacement or addition (in the case of a co-Speaker presentation) will need to be approved by the BASALT Conference Programme Board in advance of the Event, and the BASALT Conference Organizing Committee therefore appreciates timely considerations of any changes that may occur. »BASALT Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to cancel a Speaker engagement should the Speaker fail to comply with deadlines and criteria for presentations. Should BASALT Conference find it necessary to cancel a Speaker for this reason, there will be no obligation on behalf of BASALT Conference Organizing Committee to refund any fees or costs related to the Speaker attendance to the BASALT Conference Event. To Submit a Speaker Proposal: »The applicant should review the conference theme, description and topics for the BASALT Conference Event. »The applicant should use the proposal submission form to send a proposal that is relevant to the topic described. »The official speaking proposal submission deadline for the Event 2019 is 15 October 2019. However, BASALT Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to accept proposals anytime, even before a Call for Speakers is issued, or after the deadline has passed. The applicant should note that after the deadline, as the BASALT Conference Scientific Council of the event has already started the process of selecting the speaker’s proposals, the sooner the proposals are presented, the more likely it will be accepted by the Scientific Council of the event. »The BASALT Conference Scientific Council of the event prefers speaker proposals that include case studies and co-presentations. The Scientific Council may get in touch with the applicant directly should they need further information. It should be taken into account that the selection process can take several weeks. »BASALT Conference Organizing Committee does not accept sales or marketing presentations. »If the applicant will be coordinating participation on behalf of a Speaker, he should provide his contact information in addition to that of the Speaker. »The applicant will be contacted if its proposal is accepted. »Should the applicant has any questions about the status of his proposal, or has any other questions about the BASALT Conference Event Call for Speakers, he should email to Upcoming Deadlines: »The BASALT Conference Scientific Council meets once per year to review and select speaker the profile. The earlier proposals are submitted, the higher the probability it will have of being accepted by the Scientific Council. »BASALT Conference Event has a limited number of speaker slots. BASALT Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to receive speaker proposals and these will be reviewed by the Scientific Council on a case-by-case basis. The applicant should contact the Organizing Committee as soon as possible indicating the conference topic of his planned proposal submission. »Speaker Preparatory Conference Call: approximately 30 days before the Event. »Deadline for Speaker final Presentations: 31 October 2019. »Deadline for Speaker final Presentations: 31 October 2019. Speaker Benefits: »Speakers are active stakeholders in our industry. One of the main benefits of presenting at the BASALT Conference Event is to share experiences, network with their peers, and to interact with the most influential community in science, technology, environmental protection, research and development, and university-industry cooperation. We promote the Event Speakers on our website, through our social media channels and in some selected press releases. sponsors: »The support of our sponsors and Partners are a critical part of our Event and a high-value interaction at our event would not be possible without them. »Speaker proposals are accepted only upon the merit of the proposal, individual speaker, relevance of the topic, and a speaking slot being available. Speaker selection is determined in consensus by the BASALT Conference Organizing Committee of the event. |
»After the intervention of the Speakers invited to each panel or conference, there will be a debate in which participants in general will have the opportunity to intervene actively. »At the Conference, the Speaker, who will be a reference specialist on each theme, will have 1 hour and 45 minutes to present his theme, including the debate period. »Registration, paper submission, as well as complete information, are accessible on the website Additional information may also be obtained through the e-mail address or other contacts inserted in the said website, namely the Technical Secretariat of the Event. »Also part of the event is a social programme where participants, in general, and guests, in particular, can enjoy a pleasant stay in Cabo Verde before, during and after the three-day event. »Several packages and programmes of guided visits to the main points of tourist attraction, both in the city of Praia (capital of Cabo Verde) and in other Islands, are also available. Guided tours will also be organized at some basalt exploration sites in Cabo Verde. »At night two periods of social programmes are reserved. On the first day of the event, a welcome reception will be organized for the delegations participating in the event and on the last day of the event there will be a gala dinner. »The Technical Secretariat of the event will be permanently accessible and available to meet all the special needs of the participants in the event in question. |
The following are some recommendations for the presentation of these papers and communications for the above purposes. Therefore, authors wishing to publish their work as referred to above should submit their full papers to the address, not later than 60 (sixty) days before the date of the event. THEMES Papers should be restricted to three sectors, excluding any other: i) Application of basalt powder in agriculture as fertilizer; ii) Application of basalt fibre in industry; and iii) Ornamental stones based on basalt. TITLE Formatting the title: It should always be in capital letters, except for any formulas, units, and other particulars. i) Font: Arial 12, bold and centralized; ii) Block letter format should not be used; iii) Maximum 3 simple lines; iv) Name (s) of the author (s); v) Name of the place of work (of all authors); vi) Full postal address and e-mail (only for sending correspondence to the author), 4 simple lines at most. SUMMARY The summary must contain a maximum of 150 words, written in italics. Each author enrolled in the Conference may submit up to three papers. Summary should contain, briefly, the main elements of the complete work, i.e. the identification of the topic to be addressed and the specific objectives of the work, the methodology and the main results and conclusions. The content of the summary will be analyzed by the Scientific Committee of the event for the following purposes: • Acceptance of the paper or not; • Classify papers according to areas of knowledge or interest; • The authors should inform in due time of the logistics necessary to present their work. The following are some acceptance criteria as minimum conditions: Key words: basalts of Cabo Verde; Praia conference; Cabo Verde conference (maximum 5). INTRODUCTION Papers should be written with the “WORD” word processor, without the use of macros. Files with macros will be returned to authors. The files must have a maximum of 5 MB and must be free of viruses. The format of the pages should be A4, with side margins of 2.5 cm and paragraphs of 1.0 cm. The font must be Arial of size 11 and line spacing between lines of 1.5 cm. The text should not contain header or footer. The paper must have a maximum of 8 pages and can be written in Portuguese, French or English. All papers must have abstracts in two of these languages. The content of the paper should have the following structure: i) Title; ii) Summary; iii) Keywords; iv) The main text should be structured in chapters; v) Acknowledgements; vi) References. The chapter headings should be printed in capital letters near the left margin. Chapter headings should be separated from the text by simple spaces, above and below. Subheadings must be capitalized, underscores, started at 1.0 cm from the left margin and separated from the text by only a single space. References should be indicated sequentially by numbers in parentheses and references in the text. EQUATIONS, UNITS, IMAGES AND TABLES Equations Equations should be printed centred relative to the page. If the expression does not fit on one line, it may continue on the next line as long as it is on the same page. The presentation of the equations must be done in the order in which they appear in the text, being referenced with a capital letter. The letter should be in parentheses, on the right side of the equation to which it relates, as illustrated in the example below: In the text, to refer to expressions, an uppercase letter must be used in parentheses. At least one simple space must be left above and below the equations. Units The International System (SI) of Units must be used. Images Images should be adjusted on the page. Captions should be inserted below the images. The images should be referenced in the text and appear in an appropriate place, leaving at least a single space above and below each image. Images should not be accumulated at the end of the text. The images should be of good quality and can be coloured, and should be in the following formats: *.jpg; *.png and *.gif, and the full paper should be no longer than 8 pages and 5 MB. Tables Tables should be presented as close as possible to the citation in the text, leaving a simple space above and below each table. The numbering should be in Arabic numerals. Captions should be placed at the top of the table. Copyright All submitted papers will remain the property of BASALT Conference. In the event of any economic benefit to BASALT Conference, authors are guaranteed a percentage of 20% of these advantages. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgements …
(1)…………………………. (2)…………………………. . . (n)
………………………………… ………………………………… INTERNET REFERENCES (1)…………………………. (2)…………………………. . . (n) |
Clause 1 The Terms and Conditions outlined represent a contract between participant and the event organizer, herein after referred to as 'Organizer', for attendance to, and participation in, the BASALT International Conference, herein after referred to as ‘Event'. By completing the Event participant Registration Form and clicking the 'Send Information' button, participant agrees to the Terms and Conditions. As the interaction between participants is a key part of the Event, the Organizer has created a specific participant profile to ensure a high-quality experience for everyone. Clause 2 This event aims to bring together agricultural operators, farmers, agronomists, researchers, specialists in food biotechnology, specialists in composite materials, agro-food industry operators, business associations, chambers of commerce, builders of equipment for the extractive industries, builders of equipment for cutting and polishing basalt as ornamental and decorative stone, importers and exporters of basalt products, environmentalists, nutritionists, financial institutions, relevant national, regional and international experts, and other interested parties to participate in accordance with the programme. Clause 3 If payment is not received within 30 days of the date of application the Organizer reserves the right to void participant registration. Upon receipt of full payment, the Organizer will issue a registration confirmation by email within seven working days. Event attendance without payment is not possible. Clause 4 Participant will be provided with a comprehensive Event documentation pack upon arrival at the Event. Clause 5 Unless participant states otherwise at the time of registration, the Organizer will display participant name and details in the Event Directory. Clause 6 Representatives of Press and Media will be present during the Event. As such, participant grants the Organizer the right and unrestricted permission to use participant name, image, voice, words and/or appearance as may be embodied in any photo, video recording, audiotape, digital image, and such, taken or made on behalf of the Organizer or its partners. Participant agrees to release to the Organizer complete ownership of such material and grants the Organizer use of said material for any purpose consistent with the Organizer’s mission. Uses include but are not limited to advertisements, press releases, publications, videos, websites, and any publicity or promotional materials in any medium. Participant acknowledges that they will not receive any compensation for the use. Clause 7 The Organizer accepts payment by bank transfer, bank deposit or major credit cards. Details are specified on all the Organizer invoices. The Organizer does not accept payment by cheque. Please note: 1. All prices are quoted in Euros; 2. All payment transactions are made in Euro, US Dollar or Cabo Verde Escudo (CVE); 3. For converting currency into Euro, US Dollar or CVE, the reference exchange rate is indicated by the Central Bank of Cabo Verde ( Clause 8 The Organizer advises participant to take a comprehensive travel insurance policy. Participant should ensure that they have adequate medical, liability, personal accident and other insurance to cover them for the full duration of their trip. Participant is responsible for their health and safety throughout the duration of the Event. The Organizer does not accept any liability. Clause 9 Cancellation by the Organizer Should circumstances arise outside of the control of the Organizer that requires the cancellation of the Event, participant registration fees will be refunded in full. The liability of the Organizer in the case of cancellation will not exceed the total amount paid by the participant to the Organizer in respect of the registration fee. The Organizer strongly advises all participants to take out a comprehensive travel insurance policy. The Organizer does not accept any liability for loss of travel, accommodation or other expenses incurred due to the cancellation of the Event. Further, the Organizer does not accept liability for any loss including but not limited to incidental or consequential damages. Cancellation by Participants 1. Transfer of a participant’s registration to a colleague: a substitute participant is allowed per registration. Any transfer must be confirmed in writing to the Organizer through up to 7 business days prior to the first day of the Event. 2. Cancellation of a participant’s registration: Cancellations must be requested in writing to Any cancellation must be confirmed by the Organizer by sending an email back to the participant for registration to be deemed cancelled. Clause 10 An administrative charge will be applied to refunds resulting from the cancellation of a participation’s registration as follows: » Cancellations made up to 30 days before the start of the Event: Subject to 5% administrative charge penalty; » Cancellations made between 14 and 7 days before the start of the Event: Subject to 50% administrative charge penalty; » Cancellations made less than 7 days before the start of the Event: Subject to 100% administrative charge penalty; For the purposes of paragraphs 2.1 to 2.4, 6 November 2019, Wednesday, should be considered the first day of the event. Clause 11 If the participant is a resident outside of the ECOWAS and European Union (EU) it is the sole responsibility of the participant to ensure that he has a valid travel visa and complies with all the immigration requirements prior to submitting the registration request. Once payment has been made, cancellation charges are applied in accordance with our Terms and Conditions. If any participant does not hold valid travel documentation or visa, or does not meet the immigration requirements and is unable to attend the Event as a result, the Organizer reserves the right to levy the full cancellation charges. For Visa invitation letter, if necessary, please send an email to Clause 12 Except for payment obligations, neither participant nor the Organizer will be liable to the other for damages arising out of delays or failures to perform under the specified Terms and Conditions, if any such delay or failure to perform hereunder is caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the party so affected. Clause 13 The Terms and Conditions outlined are the only terms governing the registration. Any other terms are expressly excluded. Clause 14 If you have any questions about the Terms and Conditions, please contact us at or via the Secretariat of the Event. |
Early registration end May 31, 2019. Regular registration end June 30, 2019.
Early until May 31 |
Regular June 1 - June 30 |
Late later July 1 |
Farmers | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Researchers | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Teachers | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Students | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Pre-registration for citizens | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Pre-registration for entities | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Early until May 31 |
Regular June 1 - June 30 |
Late later July 1 |
Farmers | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Conference attendees | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Conference non-attendees | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Pre-registration for citizens | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Pre-registration for entities | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Early until May 31 |
Regular June 1 - June 30 |
Late later July 1 |
Conference Registration for citizens | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Conference registration for entities | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Pre-registration for citizens | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Pre-registration for entities | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Early until May 31 |
Regular June 1 - June 30 |
Late later July 1 |
Option 1 | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Option 2 | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Option 3 | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Option 4 | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Option 5 | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Option 6 | €000.00 | €000.00 | €000.00 |
Companion | 75% of social functions cost |
Farmers | €000.00 for conference attendees |
€000.00 forconference non-attendees | |
Welcome Diner |
€000.00 |
Lunch Guest to Conference and Meals Only | €000.00 |
Gala Diner | €000.00 |
Welcome Tour | €000.00 |
VOUCHER MORABEZA Plus | €000.00 |
BOAVISTA ISLAND | 75% for Companion |
€000.00 for conference attendees | |
€000.00 for conference non-attendees | |
SAL ISLAND | 75% for Companion |
€000.00 for conference attendees | |
€000.00 for conference non-attendees | |
75% for Companion |
€000.00 for conference attendees | |
€000.00 for conference non-attendees | |
FOGO ISLAND | 75% for Companion |
€000.00 for conference attendees | |
€000.00 for conference non-attendees | |
SANTA LUZIA ISLAND | 75% for Companion |
€000.00 for conference attendees | |
€000.00 for conference non-attendees | |
SANTIAGO ISLAND | 75% for Companion |
€000.00 for conference attendees | |
€000.00 for conference non-attendees |
All cancellations must be received in writing. Cancellations received at the EMERGYS office on or before May 31, 2019 will receive a full refund of the registration fees minus a 25% administrative charge. No refunds will be issued for additional activity fees unless the event is canceled. No cancellations will be accepted nor fees refunded after June 30, 2019. There will be no refunds for no-shows. EMERGYS is not responsible for cancellations mailed or faxed but not received. All refunds will be issued by July 10, 2019. Please select Yes to confirm you have read and understand this policy.